You Are God's Beautiful Creation

God made them beautiful.
You are god's beautiful creation. He is the Artist. BUT - in Gods eyes the most beautiful of His creation is a broken. He speaks of betrayals divorce and the betrayal he knew just round the corner for himself and compares it with the lives of children those with no rights and says It is to such as these as the kingdom of God belongs.
He is the Author. Our amazing God has made sunrises and sunsets each one unique since the beginning of time. Pesquet an engineer with the European Space Agency and a member of the SpaceX Cre-2 mission which launched in April took this photograph of the earth snapped from the cupola of.
For those of you who are tired weary and fearful of the chaos happening throughout the world right now take a gander at the photo below and marvel at the beauty of Gods creation. We are all created equally but do not share the same traits such emotions feelings logical reasoning and perspectives and some similar personality. For You created all things and because of Your will they existed and were created.
I realized also how much God wants to clear off the dirt that surrounds us and bring out the beauty of who we are as a part of His beloved creation. Isnt that an amazing thought. Some organizations use a tool like I did called The Jung Typology Test a test that.
Mankind is gods beautiful creation on earth. The wondrous world around you is proof of that. You are a beautiful story He has written.
27 - So God created mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them. GiRlS ArE ThE MoSt bEaUtIfUl cReAtIoN Of GOD. Featured in Taking Back Astronomy.