Jesus The Most Beautiful Name That I Know Lyrics

Grace that blows all fear away.
Jesus the most beautiful name that i know lyrics. The most beautiful name I know x2 It is by the name of Jesus I. Jesus The only Name that brings healing and strength When I speak Your Name Mountains move Chains are loosed When I speak Your Name Darkness flees It has no hold on me Chorus Jesus Most beautiful Name that I know. Chorus repeat I know of a name a beautiful name.
E Fm7 EA Jesusthe most beautiful name that I know Cm7 B Youre the exalt- ed One E Fm7 EA JesusYou have the power alone Cm7 B Cm B A Bsus B You lift the lone- ly oneJe- sus Verse2. The Pentecostals of Alexandria Choir sing at the Louisiana District Campmeeting 2007. When I speak Your Name darkness flees it has no hold on me.
The only Name that brings healing and strength. Dm - C - Bb - Csus C 2X VERSE 1. That beautiful Name that wonderful Name That matchless Name is Jesus.
That angels brought down to earth. His praise is ever more proclaimed. Jesus what a beautiful name Son of God Son of Man Lamb that was slain Joy and peace strength and.
Cm Intro Cm B A Bsus B x2 Verse 1 Cm B A Bsus B Jesus the most beautiful name of all names Cm B A Bsus B Jesus the only name that brings healing and strength Cm EB A2 Bsus B When I speak Your Name mountains move chains are loosed Cm EB A2 Bsus B When I speak Your Name darkness flees. Lord Of The Heavens. Be exalted be exalted be exalted higher and higher.
Jesus the most beautiful name that I know. You lift the lonely one Jesus. Mountains move chains are loosed.